The Center for Sustainable Stewardship presents Dr. John Ayers’ presentation, “What is environmental sustainability, and how can we promote it in Middle TN?" at Big East Fork Retreat, 5375 Big East Fork Rd on Saturday, December 1st from 2-4pm.
Dr. Ayers is the Vanderbilt University Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and recently published a book on Sustainablity. He has submitted the Retreat Center and nonprofit organization to become part of various Vanderbilt-sponsored sustainability research studies.
Join us at the Retreat for an engaging presentation and discussion.
Our goal is to reach out to residents, businesses and our sustainability community partners as we explore the different themes surrounding sustainability.
From Dr. Ayers:
"Sustainability promotes human wellbeing now and in the future. Environmental sustainability protects some of the natural environment so that it can continue to provide critical ecosystem services in the future, thereby ensuring high levels of food, water, and energy security. In the Anthropocene, human population growth and increasing material consumption are causing unsustainable environmental impacts that are changing Earth on a global scale. Climate change and biodiversity loss may reduce the ability of future generations to maintain a high level of wellbeing. In the spirit of the motto 'Think global, act local', I will discuss some of the sustainability challenges we face in Middle TN, and possible solutions."
RSVP at Dr. Ayers' talk will be relevant to High School ages and up. Free to the public but donations gratefully accepted.