CSS CreativityFest 2018 SPONSORS and VENDORS
The annual CSS CreativityFest 2018 at the Center for Sustainable Stewardship, 501(c)3 off Big East Fork Road is an event for lovers of art, music, sustainability, land stewardship and good times. Family-friendly and fun-filled with creativity, music and art, this festival features local foods and drink, speakers, world class music, artisans, group art projects and an art gallery project with the theme of sustainability; all promoting a healthy environment, wellness of being, and nature-based preventative medicine. We anticipate several hundred people to this first annual event. Getting in on the ground floor for this year will put you in a good position for next year to get more involved and even more coverage for your sponsorship. CSS CreativityFest 2018 offers sponsorship opportunities for companies & organizations or individuals who want to be involved with this thriving event, promoting local foods, local art, local music and sustainability products and organizations. This is a rain or shine event although the weather is always terrific at the Center for Sustainability Stewardship!
Presented by the Center for Sustainable Stewardship (CSS) in Franklin, Tennessee, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
These companies have come forward with support for our mission and festival. They will also have booths or information tables set up at the festival. Thank you from CSS.
- Center for Sustainable Stewardship
- Williamson County Cultural Arts Commission (WCACC)
- Float Horizen
- Tony Tripi Music
- Scott Davis - Noteable Blends
These companies will have booths set up with information available and some sale items
- Nashville Curiosities Collective
- URI (United Religion Initiative)
- TennGreen
- New Earth Matters
- LightWave Solar
- CSS Food Demonstrations - Njoy
- TIPL Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light
CSS CreativityFest 2018 INFORMATION
Date: Saturday, March 31st, 2018 (rain or shine) Time: 11:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Admission: $20 for adults, $10 for kids under 12 at online ticket sales. FREE parking.
Location: Center for Sustainable Stewardship at 5375 Big East Fork Road, Franklin, TN
Festival Producer: Center for Sustainable Stewardship 615-599-4006 or info@cssfamily.org
Festival Director: Tony Gerber, 615-414-1241 or cypressrosewood@mac.com
Website: http://cssfamily.org/
“To protect and preserve a sacred natural space (God's creation), and to provide community access for physical and mental well-being through renewing connections to the earth, to each other, and to ourselves. To provide opportunities and programs that foster creativity, stimulate critical thinking, and strengthen our connection to the natural world. We serve as stewards of our precious natural environment and are active in conservation and regenerative efforts. We believe biodiversity has intrinsic worth and so protect the land, water, and creatures of the Big East Fork watershed. We encourage visitors to experience, explore, and appreciate the natural world by active engagement with the outdoors. It is our hope that our efforts express our gratitude as we transfer wisdom to future generations.”
CSS CreativityFest 2018 MISSION
“CSS CreativityFest is a celebration of creativity and wonders of springtime in Tennessee through Live Music, Art, Wellness, Nature-based preventative medicine, Relaxation, Rejuvenation. and sustainable agricultural practices, and the vitality of rural communities through education and the arts in an entertaining and festive atmosphere.”
Center for Sustainable Stewardship is offering Sponsorship Opportunities for the CSS CreativityFest 2018 to area businesses and other underwriters who meet the following criteria:
1) Sponsor is a Tennessee based and operated business or organization, or has a branch or division that is based in Tennessee. (Private individual sponsors will be Tennessee residents.)
2) Sponsor’s business practices and/or mission are in alignment with the mission of Center for Sustainable Stewardship and the CreativityFest (see Mission Statements above). Areas of emphasis include the arts, music, well-being, nature -based preventative medicine, healthy local food production and distribution, environmental sustainability, support of local family farms and land stewardship.
Please rely on your tax advisor for the deductibility of your sponsorship.
Thank you for your support!