Our Mission
To protect and preserve sacred natural space and to provide community access for physical and mental well-being through renewing connections to the earth, to each other, and to ourselves.
To cultivate the new Stewards necessary to protect this and other natural watersheds on our planet.
Our Vision
To provide opportunities and programs that foster creativity, stimulate critical thinking, and strengthen our connection to the natural world. We envision Big East Fork Valley as a large protected space of healing, education, and recreation available to our guests and members, as well as partnering organizations.
Value Statement
We serve as stewards of our precious natural environment and are active in conservation and regenerative efforts. We believe biodiversity has intrinsic worth and so protect the land, water, and creatures of the Big East Fork watershed. We encourage visitors to experience, explore, and appreciate the natural world by active engagement with the outdoors. It is our hope that our efforts express our gratitude as we transfer wisdom to future generations.